Saturday, April 7, 2012

BUNAKEN The Amazing Underwater Lives

BUNAKEN The Amazing Underwater Lives - Bunaken in Manado Bay with an area of ​​8.08 km ², located on the northern island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken is part of the government city of Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi. Around Bunaken marine park is part of the National Park which also includes the sea around the island of Manado Tua is Siladen and Mantehage.

BUNAKEN The Amazing Underwater Lives

Bunaken marine park as a whole covers an area of ​​75 265 hectares to the five islands within it, namely the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island, Siladen Island, Island Mantehage follows several children of his island, and island Naen. Although it covers an area of ​​75 265 hectares, the location of the dive (diving) is limited in each of the five beaches that surround the island.

BUNAKEN The Amazing Underwater Lives

In the Bunaken Marine Park, see the amazing variety of marine life colorful. To achieve these marine parks, boat motors may be used. The trip from Manado takes about 40 minutes. Entrance fee is $ 2.8/people. Aquatic Marine Park allows people can clearly see the variety of marine life. There are 13 types of coral reefs in this marine park is dominated by marine rocks. The most interesting sights is the coral cliffs that rise vertically downwards as deep as 25-50 meters.

BUNAKEN The Amazing Underwater Lives

There are 91 species of fish in the Bunaken Marine Park, including a local fish gusimi horse (Hippocampus), white koi (Seriola rivoliana), lolosi yellow tail (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (spilotocepsep hinephelus and hypselosoma Pseudanthias), indigo trunk (Scolopsis bilineatus), and others. there can also be found mollusks like giant clams (Tridacna gigas), the fish head of the goat (Cassis cornuta), nautilus (Nautilus pompillius), and tunikates or askidian.

BUNAKEN The Amazing Underwater Lives

Bunaken Marine Park is the best place to do scuba diving. There are 20 point dive, where divers will have the opportunity to swim in the ocean floor with an amazing variety of marine life. A good time to visited Bunaken is between May and August. In this month you can explore the whole of this beautiful marine park.

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